TetraHost finally activated it's bKash Merchant Account. Now our clients will be able to send service payment via Our bKash Merchant Account.
Please follow the steps to make payment:
01. Go to your bKash Mobile Menu by dialing *247#
02. Choose “Payment” as option 3
03. Enter the Merchant bKash Account Number you want to pay to: 01841377417
04. Enter the amount you want to pay: Invoice Amount or Due Amount
05. Enter a reference against your payment: Ex: Invoice Number
06. Enter the Counter Number: 1
07. Now enter your bKash Mobile Menu PIN to confirm
Done! Now you should received an confirmation SMS from bKash regarding your transaction. Please create a billing ticket at billing [at] tetrahostbd.com and let us know about the transaction. Once the payment is verified, it will be added to your account or used against your requested product/service.
NOTE: TetraHost is not charging for any bKash Charge. You can pay us exactly the same amount displayed on your invoice or our Website :)